Spiritual Development

As a school, we are very intentional in providing the optimal conditions to bring each child into a saving relationship with Jesus Christ. We seek to create an atmosphere where being a genuine Christian is the “norm,” where students expect high standards of themselves and each other. We work hard in planning our regular schedule as well as special events to give regular opportunities for the Holy Spirit to influence our students.

  • Each day our homeroom teachers set aside time to worship as a class. Songs are lifted in praise and needs are lifted in prayer. Sometimes students participate in planning this special worship time.
  • Bible class is also an important part of the day when significant discussions and learning takes place.
  • Our weekly chapel service enables our entire school to worship together.
  • Bible study classes are also led regularly by our local pastors and our Spiritual Leadership Director.
  • Our teachers train students to use Biblical methods for resolving conflict in the classroom and on the playground using the principles developed by Peacemakers Ministry.
  • We plan two Weeks of Worship during the year.
  • Service projects are organized by classrooms, clubs, and school-wide initiatives.

In our mission to guide each student into a saving relationship with Jesus, it is critical that we work in partnership with parents and church members. The best way to win our children for God’s kingdom is for the home, church and school to cooperate together harmoniously towards this shared objective.


Spiritual Retreat for 7th & 8th Graders

